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Respiratory Medicine department one

2014-10-23 21:59:05    2395人浏览

Cangzhou Central Hospital Respiratory Internal Medicine Department one is specialized in respiratory diseases in Cangzhou area of Hebei Province, the earliest established, focus on the development of Medical College, Cangzhou focus on the development of the discipline, occupy the technology leading position in the Cangzhou area, is a set of medical, teaching, breathing professional scientific research as one of the departments, expert outpatient service with more than one person, every day more than deputy chief physician level visits of experts. Now open ward of 46 beds, 6 beds respiratory care. Long term commitment to the respiratory system disease clinical, research and teaching tasks. Has the staff 35 people, including 2 doctors of director, deputy chief physician 4 people, doctor in charge 4, master's tutor 1 people, master of clinical medicine 12. Open breathing general ward, respiratory intensive care ward, examination room, examination room, bronchoscopic lung function, sleep apnea. Has the world's advanced Olympus electronic bronchoscope, Pantex fiber bronchoscope, senior Medisoft pulmonary function instrument and portable spirometry, Servo-s bird VELA, Siemens, Drager Evita 4 ventilator, Wei Kang noninvasive ventilator, Weinmann noninvasive ventilator and other high-end breathing assistance apparatus, a plurality of PHILIP multi function monitor, shock pressure of sputum machine, antithrombotic pump and other equipment.

Over the years the Department of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (including chronic bronchitis, emphysema), severe bronchial asthma, pulmonary infection, adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in patients with severe pulmonary heart disease, pulmonary embolism, pleural disease (pneumothorax, pleural effusion),acute and chronic respiratory failure, pulmonary interstitial disease, sepsis, pulmonary tumor, sleep apnea, hemoptysis and fever of unknown origin and so on the diagnosis and treatment of the disease, bronchoscopy and interventional therapy, thoracoscopy, lung function and airway hyperresponsiveness determination, minimally invasive central venous catheter combined with chemotherapy in the treatment of having the experience of diagnosis and treatment of rich refractory pleural effusion and malignant pleural effusion. Application of invasive, non-invasive mechanical ventilation, rescue all kinds of ARDS, COPD, severe bronchial asthma of acute and chronic respiratory failure patients life.

In the yeat of 2010, our department has become the first batch of "high quality nursing service demonstration project" demonstration unit to the province's promotion, and became the national high quality nursing demonstration ward, finally by the Ministry of health as the city of Cangzhou only "high quality nursing service advanced ward". Make full use of the nursing professional knowledge, for every patient with a full range of professional care, observation of disease, psychological support, health education and rehabilitation guidance of nursing tasks, nursing care for patients to provide safe, high quality, satisfaction.

Departments to carry out major projects and advantages of Technology

Pulmonary function test (including ventilation function, diffusion function), judge the ventilatory disorder types, evaluation of pulmonary function damage degree, cause breathing difficulties identification, and for patient subjects operation preoperative risk assessment. Measurement of airway responsiveness (airway provocation test and relaxation test) in diagnosis of bronchial asthma

Intensive care and rescue, have a care system perfect, the rescue for all kinds of critical respiratory failure, multiple organ failure patients up to the domestic advanced level. Application of BIPAP/CPAP non-invasive ventilator, reduce intubation rate, shorten the intubation time, reduce the tracheal intubation in obvious pain, improve the success rate of resuscitation of critically ill patients. And the use of noninvasive ventilation for patients with chronic respiratory failure of rehabilitation treatment. Skilled application of laryngoscope and tracheal mirror to solve problem of difficult intubation, the introduction of percutaneous dilational tracheostomy technology, minimally invasive, safe, fast and complete the incision of trachea.

Diagnosis and interventional bronchoscopy in the treatment of bronchial lung disease in Cangzhou area, is equipped with the most advanced Olympus electronic bronchoscope system, carry out the diagnosis and treatment of a variety of microscopic, transbronchial forceps, bronchial foreign bodies in trachea; use of bronchoscopy bronchoalveolar lavage treatment of severe pulmonary infection, bronchiectasis, pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, silicosis, operation after pulmonary atelectasis patients. Transbronchial needle aspiration biopsy of mediastinal lymph nodes (TBNA), transbronchial lung biopsy (TBLB) distal, bronchoscopic injection therapy, bronchoscopic airway stent implantation.

Department of internal medicine diagnosis and treatment of thoracoscopic pleural disease. Can be performed under local anesthesia, damage smaller, low cost, it can conduct a biopsy under direct vision, significantly improve the level of diagnosis and treatment of various types of pleural diseases.

Percutaneous lung puncture biopsy guided by B ultrasound, CT. Minimally invasive lesions under local anesthesia to obtain tissue pathology, provide the most direct evidence for lung cancer, severe pneumonia, interstitial lung disease diagnosis.

Minimally invasive central venous catheter combined with chemotherapy, biological agents and other drugs in the treatment of pleural effusion and malignant pleural effusion. To reduce the suffering of patients, improve the quality of life.

Sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome diagnosis and treatment of CPAP. Through computer polysomnography monitoring system can accurately diagnose sleep apnea syndrome and judging the severity of, also can provide CAPA ventilator therapy.

The Ministry of health of high quality nursing service advanced ward.

Academic achievements

Completion of the provincial research project 2, won the first prize of progress in science and technology 1, two prize 6, more than 40 papers published in the national core journals.

Respiratory Medicine department one is a skilled superb strength, first-class service medical team, the team has a very strong enterprising, dedication and team spirit, can provide a means of diagnosis and treatment of high quality and full of humanity for the majority of patients with respiratory disease service.

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