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Department one of orthopedics

2014-10-23 21:48:00    2412人浏览

Cangzhou Central Hospital orthopaedics department one relying on the Cangzhou spinal surgery and Cangzhou City spinal surgery center, now has a medical expert 6, 8 graduate students, 2 experts of nursing. Focus on specialist front-line team of physicians all graduated or learning to focus on domestic institutions, such as the Jishuitan Hospital, No.3 Hospital of Beijing University, 301 Hospital, General Hospital of Beijing Military Region, No.306 Hospital, southern hospital, Qilu Hospital, Changhai Hospital, Xinqiao Hospital, Hebei province No.3 hospital, to master the most advanced treatment of spinal surgery disease concept and treatment technology, provide absolute medical security for every patients. Department of basic 45 bed ward, an area of 2000 square meters, and relying on the imaging center, Cangzhou Central Hospital, Central Laboratory of Cangzhou Central Hospital, formed a powerful and perfect facilities, the Key Laboratory of Department of orthopedics, Department of orthopedics and treatment center, years of operation quantity about more than 3000 taiwan. For cervical and thoracic lumbar degenerative disease, spinal cord injury, spinal deformity, spinal tuberculosis, spinal tumor, rheumatic diseases common Department of orthopedics disease diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, perfect system, have advanced treatment methods and concepts. Nursing experts with rich experience in the spinal cord injury, joint replacement, bedsore, mental illness, diseases of the special care and other aspects, to provide quality, efficient service for every patient.

Cangzhou Central Hospital orthopaedics department one to carry out a comprehensive operation technology of minimally invasive spine surgery, microendoscopic discectomy and minimally invasive piping system in chest, posterior lumbar discectomy, spondylolisthesis, bone fusion and internal fixation, tuberculosis, vertebral fracture reduction and internal fixation technique of posterior; percutaneous balloon kyphoplasty; minimally invasive percutaneous limbs fractures plate technology operation technical level has reached the leading domestic level. Independently of atlantoaxial anterior and posterior operation, artificial hip and knee joint replacement operation, dislocation and spinal cord injury, spinal and spinal cord tumors, scoliosis, ankylosing spondylitis kyphosis, cervical, thoracic, lumbar degenerative diseases of spinal fracture.

Cangzhou Central Hospital orthopaedics department one using advanced internal fixation devices and treatment technology, so that the various spinal diseases treatment effect to reach the domestic advanced level.

Foraminal mirror technology: in 2011, I took the lead in the development of science and technology of the foraminal mirror in our province, invested heavily in the introduction of Medtronic intervertebral foramen Joimax mirror system, after a lot of clinical practice, foraminal mirror technology is more and more mature. This technology can be in small incision 0.8cm under transforaminal for resection of nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disc, lumbar spinal canal stenosis and transforaminal decompression, discogenic pain nucleoplasty, operation under local anesthesia, postoperative second days down, less trauma, low cost, good curative effect.

Percutaneous vertebroplasty: osteoporotic compression fractures patients increased year by year, in particular, entered the aging society in our country at present, the Department carried out a minimally invasive treatment of minimally invasive treatment, percutaneous vertebroplasty, percutaneous kyphoplasty, solitary myeloma tumor metastatic carcinoma, to provide a guarantee to meet different treating osteopathy the individual, the different stage, effectively improve the life quality of elderly patients with metabolic bone disease, reduce the incidence of complications, improve the survival rate of elderly patients with bone disease, the technology of minimally invasive pedicle working channel injection of bone cement to bone fractures and vertebral lesions, 0.5cm operation incision, postoperative immediate relief of pain, postoperative 48 hours can be down for functional exercise.

Expandable pipe system: development of our department in recent years can cure range expansion pipe system to further expand, have been successful in lumbar intervertebral disc herniation, lumbar spondylolisthesis, lumbar spinal stenosis, the thoracolumbar fracture critical patients, this technology can be in small incision 3-5cm (traditional incision about 15cm) of lumbar posterior vertebral canal decompression, bone graft and internal fixation therapy, muscle and soft tissue trauma, clear operation field, postoperative early function exercise, especially for elderly patients without neurological dysfunction, spinal fracture patients provides little trauma, effect of the treatment of choice.

The treatment of spinal deformity: in the treatment of spinal deformity, I, always adhere to the road of internationalization, in the field and carried out a series of innovative work: in the province took the lead in the introduction of scoliosis technology, master the serious deformity of the spine treatment strategies for complex has been successfully completed all kinds of difficult three-dimensional correction of spinal deformity operation, carried out a variety of minimally invasive spine orthopedic technology, combined anterior and posterior total vertebral osteotomy in the treatment of congenital and diagnosis and treatment of stiff spinal deformity, posterior multi segment "V" - shaped osteotomy and a single segment of the vertebral arch osteotomy cure severe ankylosing spondylitis kyphosis deformity associated with syringomyelia, to carry out Chiari, cauda equina tethered filum spinal bifida, complicated scoliosis correction surgery are up to the domestic advanced level.

Treatment of cervical spine disease: treat cervical deformity, cervical degenerative diseases, including cervical spondylotic myelopathy, cervical spondylosis of nerve root type, sympathetic type cervical spondylosis. Methods spinal osteotomy in the treatment of cervical vertebrae disease, in recent years, in the domestic leading level in the application of new techniques in cervical spine surgery of the hand. Division I since its inception in 1975, development of cervical spine disease research, has been nearly 30 years of history, diagnosis and therapy of patients with various types of cervical spondylosis number nearly 4000 cases in the treatment of cervical spondylosis, accumulated a wealth of experience, research papers published more than twenty papers of cervical spondylosis. At present, every year we carry out all kinds of cervical spondylosis operation to treat more than 500 patients, the success rate of operation is more than 98%, the excellent and good rate was 85%, the average length of time is less than two weeks of operation, little pain, quick recovery. Especially nearly two years of development of the cervical artificial disc replacement, and open a new area in the treatment of cervical spondylosis.

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