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Orthopedics department three

2014-10-23 21:44:01    2019人浏览

Orthopedics department three has professors, 2 doctors of director, deputy director, associate professor, doctor 2 people, Master graduate student 7 people, 40 open beds, Department of orthopedics operation of more than 800 cases per year. Treatment of hand trauma orthopedics in spinal trauma, spinal diseases, joint trauma, joint disease, fracture of various parts, has reached the domestic advanced level, is the earliest development of Cangzhou Central Hospital of knee joint replacement operation Department, Hebei province key discipline development. I Department of Beijing Ji Shui Tan Hospital (Department of orthopedics and trauma to the top level), No.3 Hospital of Peking University (spine surgery, joint surgery for domestic first-class level) established close ties, repeatedly asked experts to give lectures in our hospital, operation, make my family in limb trauma, bone and soft tissue defect repaired, peripheral nerve injury, pelvic fracture, joint arthritis, spinal cord injury can on behalf of the domestic advanced level. The latest development of minimally invasive operation of extremities, pelvis fracture dislocation, operation for the treatment of complex fractures of multiple, orthopedic treatment of peripheral nerve injury in limbs, hand injury, various trauma, the use of external fixation bone transport technique for treatment of bone defects, bone nonunion, all kinds of skin flap, flap transplantation treatment of soft tissue defect, the percutaneous vertebroplasty in treatment of thoracolumbar vertebral compression fracture. Our department for treatment of pain attention to patients after operation, set up a "painless ward Department of orthopedics", pay attention to patients with postoperative rehabilitation, rehabilitation plan for every patient to develop personalized.

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